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Part 5: Finalize and Submit the assignment

Publishing to GitHub Pagesโ€‹

  • Follow the following instructions to setup github pages and publish your page from main.

Submitting the assignmentโ€‹

  1. update the file with the reflection and evaluation.
  2. On Canvas, submit the (1) repository link and (2) the hosted github pages link.

What you need to submitโ€‹

On canvas, you need to submit:

  1. Link to your GitHub Repository.
  2. Link to your hosted GitHub Page.

Grading Criteriaโ€‹

You will be graded using the following criteria.

  1. The web page satisfies all the structural and layout requirements.
  2. The page successfully loads messages from the server
  3. The page successfully sends messages to the server
  4. The Web page is hosted on GitHub Pages.
  5. Proper usage of git and GitHub and making frequent commits.

Don't Forget toโ€‹

  • You don't fill out the self-evaluation and self-grading section on the file.
  • You upload your assignment into GitHub instead of properly using GitHub commits and pushes.

Feedback formโ€‹