This assignment covers concepts and techniques taught in the class so far:
- Using Git and GitHub
- using JavaScript, and manipulating the DOM using JavaScript,
- AND using
The culmination of that is an interactive messaging application.
Learning outcomesโ
- Create a web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Style the application using Bootstrap and CSS.
- Demonstrate ability to create and control HTML forms using form and input elements.
- Demonstrate understanding of event-oriented programming.
- Demonstrate the ability to send and receive HTTP requests from a server.
- Demonstrate the ability to send
Web Storageโ
For a client side application, you can store data as key-value pairs in a browser's local and/or session storage depending on the use case.
- Make a habit of committing and pushing your code frequently to github.
- Make sure to meaningful commit messages that describe what you did.
- Make sure the automated tests and checks continue to pass after you make changes.
- To be able to run the automated grading checks, make sure you have installed Node.js, per the instructions posted on Canvas.
- Don't forget to fill out the self assessment on the README file, and the feedback form at the end of the instructions.
Clone down your existing repository from last week's lab.
For this lab, you need to create a functionality that:
- Disable the message input until a name is provided and saved to the
. - Have a button where users can choose to save their username.
- Allow users to modify their saved name.
- Disable the message input until a name is provided and saved to the
For 5 Extra Credit point, create a dark mode for the application.